Sunday, 10 February 2019

Freedom at a Cost!

“We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense. Barack Obama”

We all are aware about the sacrifices people from all sects had made to achieve independence. It was hard earned and was attained at a huge cost. Different people followed different philosophies and approach to serve the motherland and there was only one thing to go after. Indepedence from foreign rule. There was no ambiguity in the objective. People were allowed to follow the path they had convictions on. But as was apparent, they had major differences of Openion on the best way to pursue the ultimate objective. 
It seems quite similar to the analogy about religion where people practice different faiths but the ultimate goal is quite similar.
Today the task is to maintain this Independence and understand the idea of Freedom in its true sense. And the challenges are quite similar to the ones that we faced over 70 to 100 years ago. The fight is to become representatives of the majority thought and take it to the logical conclusion. And this fight is not just for the Political class to participate in but for all those who want this country to be united and want it to progress proudly into the future.
That brings me to the Idea of Indian-ness. When India agrees on a thought, what does it actually mean. When we pass any law in the Indian parliament, what does it actually mean. My thought alone is not representative of what India thinks, but it may just be a small proportion of the final view that is adopted as a law or rule to follow in India. This is where leaders, may be majorly political but all others as well who excel in their chosen fields and command some following need to play their parts.
'Cost' I mention in the subject is the personal openions that are so true and obvious to me as an individual. This may be non-negotiable for my personal space and this may mean the Freedom to practice my culture and religion and other similar things i deem essential for my independence.
'Price' is the open mindedness and the Indian-ness for the larger good of our Society. If we have no tolerance for an alternate thought to our own or our own smaller religious or other like minded groups, then we are not prepared to pay the price for the Freedom that our ancestors fought for and then this is not the same 'Idea of India'.
I think its a great time now to understand the Idea of India. India, that is a set of multiple Individuals who differ in education, occupation, habits, likes, dislikes, beliefs and almost everything that can be different. It's a challenge very few would be able to take up in its true spirit and this is the ultimate price we need to pay to maintain our Independence going forward.
May the true leaders stand up and take charge. 

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