Sunday 20 January 2019


I thought I should write about Yoga. How Yoga is important in our life. What inherent ability yoga has which can change one's life. I am not convincing you about yoga after all it's your life. But sharing my positive experience. How yoga changed my life. Here I am writing about yoga. When I started yoga that time I was suffering from deficiencies and ignored so many things about my health when I was working. In results of that I invited deficiencies in my body. The thing is, remedies are easily available but ignoring health issue is alarming.
I developed Spondylitis which is one of the common problem in this technological era. I was unable to walk, unable to bend my body and I slept in any position my body got stuck up in! I was too afraid to sleep! That was the time when I thought that's it. My life is over now. Nothing is left in my life.
Then I decided to go deeply into sprituality. I started waking up early in the morning, which I still do. I started doing yoga in the morning. Everyday with all the positivity, happiness and energy I started my day early in the morning. Within a week I felt some differences in my body. I was feeling more energetic then before!
That day I came to know that yoga has that innate ability to spread positivity in one's life.
I am thankful to the divine god to keep faith on me and show me a grate and fruitful way to improve my morbid body.
It has been a very positive journey yet from starting yoga to getting used to  doing yoga.

And believe me,  the journey has truly been worth the while!


2020 & The New Year 2021!